Pizza Express supports Chesterfield Food Bank
Located right here in Chester.
Pizza Express is thankful for the support in our business from our comunity, and our loyal customers. For that reason we are commited to give back to those in need in our community.
Why We need your help?
There are families in our shared communities that go to bed hungry every night. Chesterfield Food Bank exists to give a hand up, to those in need. Our main clients are those who do not qualify for government assistance. This group includes the single mom working to try to put food on the table, the senior citizen surviving solely on social security, the veteran on disability, the young couple just starting out, and the person that just got laid off from their job. In cooperation with Local Social Services, we are locating and helping those families and individuals that would not have been helped, in the past. We strongly believe in the principle,
"Give a man a fish and feed him today, teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime."
Currently, in Chesterfield, we serve 450 families each week in 5 different locations through our Food on the Move Program. We are excited to be moving towards serving Petersburg and Dinwiddie in the same capacity and with the same commitment, sharing our time, resources, and food with those who are in need.
For more information on all programs provided by Chesterfield Food Bank, or if you wish to get involved please